Complimentary Session

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I look forwards to speaking with you

Often asked questions…

A: Structure is essential! At all stages through the work you and I do you will know where about you are. We will also have a very clear outcome of the outcomes.

So although it is not always easy to predict a time frame, you will have a plan of where you are at and what needs to be done to get there.

The more time you invest in practice the quicker and more efficient you will become at mastering your mind. Though sometimes it is not about pushing as hard as possible but taking time to reflect.

Rest assured though my aim is to keep you completely informed at every step of the way and to work at my own utmost efficiency to get you what you want!

I work on a process of education and inner reflection. You will be guided and strengthened, I am not the kind of therapist to sit staring blankly at you asking you how you feel on a continual loop.

As mentioned we work together with education and inner reflection. The education will strengthen your mind to make facing anxieties easier and more efficient.

Anxieties are negative pre-projections of the future which are trapped inside a deep part of your mind tricking you into thinking they are real today…but often they are ghosts of the past.

When facing these anxieties, sometimes it can bring up emotional discomfort, but I am with you every step of the way, walking in to a cave with you and supporting you until the anxiety vanishes and you come back out.

Any pain you go through…I will be by your side guiding you on how to move beyond it.

The reason that some styles of therapy have a reputation for it being immensely painful where it is just a full session of tears and sorrow is because in that setting, the person is expected to resold all their own pain. This is inefficient! If pain comes up, we work together to get through it smoothly and efficiently allowing you to embrace the lesson and become stronger in your future.

Given that I have been through this entire process myself and know fully how it can feel from taking that first step, trusting somebody and maybe not fully knowing how it will unfold…again my word to you is that I will be there with you every step of the way!

Your trust in me is something that I hold as one of the greatest gifts that anybody can ever offer and I will respect that in every way.

Our work will have many options that you can tap into as you choose. So if you find yourself feeling stuck it is important we discuss it.

A key for a lock
You are unique and that is how I see you. It is for me to understand your unique way of seeing the world and then to offer you techniques and strategies based on your way of seeing the world…not some off the shelf technique.

So again if you feel stuck, we test and try different techniques until we find the one which is most effective for you and your style.

Although positive thinking has its place, this is definitely what we rely upon to get you results.

We will be looking at the deep inner workings of your mind and letting go of any blockages that are causing you anxieties which hold you back.

The one to one sessions are a full on education system based on my own 30 years of research and working through my own trauma from childhood.

The sessions are about getting results permanently, not just positive thinking to cover up self doubt or insecurity.

The complimentary session is an opportunity for you and I to speak and gain rapport. During this time we will be going through a series of questions to discover what it is that you want to achieve in the future. However the session is not to provide solutions to the situation you may be facing.

The session has a set structure and at the end I will provide you with a structure that to the best of my knowledge will support you in future sessions. If this feels what you are looking for then we will continue future sessions.


To get the most benefit from the session. Go through the Get Started planner that will help guide you through some self reflective questions

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